Saturday, March 1, 2014

“In the Holy Relationship, it's understood that we all have unhealed places, and that healing is the purpose of our being with another person. We don't hide our weaknesses, but rather we understand that the relationship is a context for healing through mutual forgiveness.”
― Marianne Williamson

 I am doing a lot of reading and soul searching about love these days.  I have glimpsed this before at different times in my life. I am currently comparing the difference between giving all you have in codependency.....hoping to heal or improve another because of a belief in the other's inadequacy (which oftentimes mirrors an unseen inadequacy of one's own self), or giving all you have because you know that all you have is boundless, unconditional,  and ultimately, enough, because you find your own self to be enough. In unconditional love the boundless love, once found in self, would echo and bounce back from every other being until self was no more and only love remained.  At least I think it would be that way: a perfect paradox. I am not anywhere close to this: mostly confused and far from where I wish to be.  Therein, I think lies the rub......I will never be enough until I am enough, and so others will never be enough until I am enough.

If I can forgive myself, then I will be forgiven by myself and I will free the others I hold in the bondage of judgement.  So be it.

1 comment:

  1. So be it. I reminds of a Meta Physics course I once took. "I am, therefore, I must be"
